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NetExtender not connecting but RDP connects


before writing, I have gone through several suggestions including:

I have Windows 11 and NetExtender 10.2.337

Error message is 0x000A0318 The Server is not reachable. The Server May be down...

However, I can reach the Virtual Office portal, click the bookmark and get the RDP browser and also can connect on Android phone using Mobile Connect Android.

It's just the NetExtender that I can't seem to get rolling - any suggestions?

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • I forgot to mention I'm using a TZ460 with updated firmware

  • TonyATonyA SonicWall Employee

    Hi @JohnCureton

    Thats odd that you can reach the virtual office page from the same device but getting server may be down on NX.

    Can you run a packet capture on the firewall with the source being your public ip to see if the firewall is receiving packets and if there is any drops?

  • Tony,

    Thanks for the reply. I ended up installing NetExtender on a completely different laptop and the connection worked fine. So the TZ470 settings were good but something on the initial laptop is blocking the connection.

  • TonyATonyA SonicWall Employee

    Hey John,

    No worries! possible something blocking incoming or outgoing packets on that pc regarding the ssl ports? Either way, glad you narrowed it down.

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