SonicOS-API Geo-IP Countries

Is there any endpoint where I can get a list of all available countries in 6 and/or 7?
I have been unable to find one.
I added all countries and did a get to create my own list but it appears that this list changes and/or is different depending on firmware versions.
Category: Developer Hub
Geo-IP databases are generally provided by third parties (such as MaxMind) and as IP allocations/assignments change so do the databases. I'm sure if you checked between security licensed and unlicensed Sonicwalls you'd see differences too.
Regardless of where they get the information you must specify a specific country name to the API.
Some SonicWALLs want 'Congo The Democratic Republic of the' v.s. 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the' or some have additional or less countries for example.
As far as I can tell there is no way to get what countries are available programmatically from the API.
The only way I have found is to add all countries and perform a GET.
But again this list seems to vary so it makes it hard/useless to automate such processes.