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Enabling FIPS

I need guides to finish these prerequisites so I can enable FIPS on the firewall. Any guidelines that will help me get a local certificate installed, remove Group Vpn( I have already implemented LDAP to replace it) & How to check if a user is using less 8 characters and how to enforce that.

Category: MySonicWall


  • A_ElliottA_Elliott Enthusiast ✭✭

    For "disable group VPN management", disable HTTPS/HTTP/SNMP management for the "WANGroupVPN" under Network/IPSecVPN/WANGroupVPN. You may also need to do that for "WLANGroupVPN"

    Unless it means to completely disable GroupVPN, which in that case- migrate any VPN users to SSLVPN and disable it with the switch on the IPSEC Tunnels page.

    If you google "sonicwall SSL Certificate installation" you'll find the right KB articles.

    To REALLY ensure 8+ character passwords, set your requirements in the SonicWall and reset your user's passwords and have them create new ones.

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