GMS Last Version (950G OVA), And User Rol Admin in New Doamin

Hello, I have a strange situation with:
gms 950G (Latest version) VmWare OVA .
When I create a domain, a user is created, this user is associated to authenticate by LDAP (OpenLDAP) For some reason this user in the GMS, has NO permissions of any kind, and can not see anything, It does not inherit the permissions of Administrator, and I can not change them by hand. But if I create one from the same AddUser in Users , it is possible even if I tell it to authenticate by LDAP.
But the Usaurio that is created when creating the Domain, with Administration Role does NOT have permissions, I do not know how to change them.
Anybody with this kind of behaviour?
Add 3 captures, 1º Full Admin groups Roles 2º User created from Domain.(General TAB) 3º PermissionsTAB