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Mails downloading issue

Hi We are using Tz570 firewall in our office and only mails downloads too slow, but internet speed is high, is there any perticular settings do i need to configure a we have three wan's.

only configured access rules LAN to WAN any to any is allow.

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • AjishlalAjishlal Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭


    CHeck capture ATP is enable. If its enable, try to disable the GW AV IMAP & POP3 scanning and try. (for testing purpose only).

  • ManojManoj Newbie ✭

    Hi thank you for the answer but in our sonicwall firewall Capture ATP is dissabled and even antispam settings are also disabled.

  • AjishlalAjishlal Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭


    Check the Gateway AV.

  • ManojManoj Newbie ✭

    Gateway antivirus is not enabled

    there is anything to can incoming or outgoing mail services which is may be affecting the traffic? or any rules needs to be add

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