WeTransfer Downloads not working properly

Hello, we have a Sonicwall TZ400 and experience something very weird. Whenever our users are trying to download something from WeTransfer the download speed varies massively. Sometimes a 1 GB File takes 2 minutes (rarely), sometimes an hour, and sometimes 7 hours. I can try the same download on the same machine in parrallel and have this experience. When connected directly to our ISP router this issue does not happen and every 1GB File gets downloaded within 2 minutes. It also doesn't happen on any other website (as far as we have noticed).
I have tried disabled every security feature (Gateway AV, IP, Anti-Spyware, CF) but still this issue persists.
We are not using DPI-SSL.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated.
What firmware are you running? Do you have bandwidth management applied?
Have you tried changing the Sonicwall to SPI instead of DPI?
first of all thank you for the answer. Yes I did change the Sonciwall to SPI and no I do not have bandwith management applied.
Firmware version is wich should be the latest as far as I am aware.
Is there anything logged in the Monitor? Do you have Capture ATP?
Do you have consistent downloads from other services?
sorry for beeing so quiet. We solved the problem by exchanging our sonciwall to another model. We transfered to config from the old one and it works. Download Speeds on other platforms were fine. I guess this will be a mystery left to be solved.