VPN IPsec Tunnel Status Changed, only want alerts for tunnel Down, not Up

I'm configuring alerts and right now all I want is an alert if the IPsec VPN tunnel goes down. I currently have the 'IPsec Tunnel Status Changed' (ID 427) setting turned on, as described here: https://community.sonicwall.com/technology-and-support/discussion/416/site-to-site-tunnel-status-alert-in-logs and it is indeed working; however it is sending an alert anytime it goes up as well. I only need the alert for if it goes down.
Best Answer
Arkwright Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
There aren't individual event IDs for up/down, only a single event ID for state transition, so you cannot do this from the Sonicwall. You would have to parse the events with whatever you're receiving them with.
I was afraid that is what the answer would be...Off to Power Automate I go... Thank you
You can configuring an alert when the Interface goes down.