NSM - Upgrade SonicWall Failed

Hi ,
I have a lot of firewall with this message when I try to update this.
Failed to deploy commit (ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Commit ID: Ticket-firmware-upgrade-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) on device (serial number XXXXXXXXXXX) due to internal error. [for support diagnosis: requestID: c5942a1c-06ae-95e3-b638-42db632970de] Post "https://XXXXXXXXXXXX/auth4.cgi": context deadline exceeded
And for One HA , i have "Upgrade Sucessfull" , but Sonic don't reboot since 6 days.
Someone have a rason for this ? Or i need to open support case for this ? Screen are at the same time.
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
There has been an recent backend update to NSM version 2.3.5. You may want to try again to see if the upgrades go through. Also, in order to push any change, the firewalls will need to be in an online and managed state before it will push any updates. If you continue to have an issue with this, a support case should be opened for further investigation.