NSA 3600 is spaming with DNS queries

I have a NSa 3600 and setup a pi-hole just yesterday.
I started noticing that since last night the sonicwall made around 1mio requests.
It is almost 30 queries per second!
I can´t even look in the logs of the pi-hole, cause it will crash Q_Q
In the sonicwall, Rebinding Attack Prevention, Split DNS, DNS Proxy, Sinkhole Service are all disabled.
Anyone got an idea why there is so many queries?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Why are you pointing your firewall to the pi-hole again?
I started noticing that since last night the sonicwall made around 1mio requests.
Is that big number? DNS could be used for a lot of things on a Sonicwall. We don't know much about your network so it's hard to say if it's a big number or not.