MAC address filter for the wired LAN

Is it possible in my SonicWall270 to allow the DHCP lease just for the MAC Address listed devices? (I mean wired LAN)
Or may be there is other solution? I don't like that whoever could to get an access to existing LAN by connecting
to available LAN outlets. Let say one of the user will bring to office his own laptop. H won't be able to connect to LAN via WiFi, (there is the MAC filter, good password. no DHCP, no SSID broadcast, etc) but he can use the network cable connected to his Desktop...
So is it anyway to protect the LAN access for these kind of cases?
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
You could disable general DHCP and just create static entries for the MACs you want to allow. But the question doesn't make sense in the context of a Sonicwall TZ270, it's not a switch and you're not going to "protect the LAN" from there.