Request for UI enhancement/change

When Iog in to CSC and click the Management tile, I get this at the top of my screen:
I have read a lot of documentation that refers to using the "Console" icon.
The first time I looked at this screen and hovered my mouse over the icons, there was no "console" listed.
Well, it took a while to find out that the last one, the gear - which has "Application configuration panel" as it's tooltip - actually is the Control icon.
Could someone please ask the UI team to update the tooltip so that it is clear - from the outset - what that icon is?
Category: Capture Security Center
Hi @Larry,
Hope you are good.
I did invest time to check on this. It looks like the name CONSOLE is getting labelled as "Application Configuration Panel" on the latest versions of all forms of Capture Security Center including both cloud and on-prem platforms. Below screenshot is taken from online Tech Doc repository and the name conversion in there.
I believe going forward, we are going to use "Application Configuration Panel" as a substitute for CONSOLE.
If you have any feedback about this, please feel free to register it via your MySonicWall account under MyWorkspace section as depicted below.
Hope this helps.
Have a better day!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I'm glad to see some uniformity taking place.
I've got a PDF that my Channel Account Manager sent to me in January 2020. It is for CSC-MA 1.5, which looks like it is now quite outdated. It is odd in that each of the "About this document" sections - which normally show the title and latest update date - have been removed from this compendium.
I have gone through all 19 website pages of the documentation at that lists 378 publications. I cannot find anything that remotely looks like or references CSC (either abbreviated or spelled out) in the title.
Could someone please provide links to the latest Capture Security Center documentation?
Hello @Larry,
We are soon going to migrate from CSC-MA 1.7 to NSM 2.0 which is in beta at the moment. That could be the reason we do not have latest docs available under SonicWall tech docs.
Please contact your Sales representative if you would like to participate in the NSM 2.0 beta program.
You could use the link below for CSC firewall management docs.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Larry,
Please find the below tech doc of on-prem Analytics 2.5 released recently. This contains the information that you are looking for. Please refer top section on page 7. The same labeling should have already been taken account on CSC 1.7 but we are missing out tech doc for it. The tech docs of upcoming CSC or NSM 2.0 versions will include this information.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@shiprasahu93 "We are soon going to migrate from CSC-MA 1.7 to NSM 2.0 which is in beta at the moment"
While I have been a SonicWall partner for nearly 10 years, I have to confess I do not keep up with beta projects because I don't have the time or bandwidth to spend on them - I am a one-person shop.
I'm sure there's a quiz at the end of this thread, but I'll bite: What - exactly - is "NSM"?
And why would having a beta version of that product eliminate all traces of the (supposedly) current version of the CSC-MA 17 documentation? Because that flat-out makes no sense...
Finally, all of the sections in the link you provided showed me was sections of the SonicWall 6.5 Admin guide - gratuitously labelled "Management Services". I'm still looking for information on how to learn about the settings I need to configure the actual web-based CSC. Or is that located under another name altogether?
Hi @Larry,
I can help you with answer to your question 'What is NSM?'
SonicWall Network Security Manager (NSM) is the next generation firewall management application that provides a holistic approach to security management. NSM gives you everything you need for firewall management; it provides comprehensive visibility, granular control and the capacity to govern the entire SonicWall network security operations with greater clarity, precision and speed. This is all managed from a single, function-packed interface that can be accessed from any location using a browser-enable device. Firewalls can be centrally managed to provision all of the network security services with a single-pane-of-glass experience.
In short, we can say NSM will be the 2.0 version of CSC. Please refer my previous comment for the documentation that you are looking for the name change.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services