Native bridging of SonicWave VLAN netwotk to LAN

Hello community, I'm looking for a solution to configure a SonicWave 224w to have a specific VLAN network carrying customer SSID natively dridged to the cusotmer LAN where a dedicated MS DHCP server have to answer to wireless client arp question.
I followed the KB illustrating how to set up native bridge in firewall with integrated wireless but I had no success in replicating with SonicWave. I've added some screenshot of the configuration done.
Have you any experience of suche configuration?
Thanks, Regards
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hi @Enzino78 you don't need native bridge for that you need the L2 Bridge mode, I presume you want the V100 to be on the same subnet as the LAN? you will need to make sure the sub interface is in a separate Wireless Zone to the default WLAN first then L2 bridge it to X0 and make sure the firewall rules allow the traffic from new Wireless Zone to LAN and Vice Versa.
I would use the Bridge method if I was trying to do the opposite, so say I wanted to use the V100 network on another port say X3 for example and plug a pc directly in to X3 so it would be on the same network as V100 but untagged as opposed to the traffic on V100 which needs to be tagged. you can use it to Native bridge two interfaces together in other scenarios two also.
IIRC once you L2 bridge interfaces you lose the ability to use port sheilds on other interfaces. This was one of the reasons I stopped using Sonicwalls wireless devices.