A marketing email from SonicWall should be straightforward, yet I had to search the internet

in Water Cooler
New marketing email from SonicWall appears in my inbox. The subject is:
Explore the Switch Series During our Next 30’ Cafe Tech!
I'm wondering: why have they made a 30 foot cafe? And whatever does that have to do with tech?
Confused, I read the email in its entirety, and at the end it said: Duration: 30’
It took me a few minutes to realize they are using that apostrophe looking symbol to mean "minutes" and it is a 30 minute meeting.
So I've got to ask: what, exactly, is wrong with you marketing people?
Category: Water Cooler
@Larry, you make a fair point. Although your tone is a bit harsh (SonicWall has amazing marketing talent) I will pass your comment along for evaluation.
VP, Web and Digital Experience, SonicWall. Get my attention by tagging @Terri on the Community.