TZ570 need to downgrade FM 6.5.x.x to match NSA 3600

Needing to do a manual migration, but I over upgraded the TZ570 and now the GUI's are completely different. I would like to find an older FM for the TZ so I can match screen for screen with our NSA 3600 and get started on this lengthy process.
Thank you in advance,
Category: SonicWall University
Have you tried the migration tool at
If it won't work for you then at least you can use the CLI to export objects from the old firewall and import to new.
Failing that, if you really must do it all manually then you can make the SonicOS 7 UI look like SonicOS 6:
I can confirm @Arkwright's comment. We have a way to just change the UI on Gen7 to look similar to Gen6 but there is no way to install a Generation 6 firmware on a Gen7 unit.
If the NSA3600 settings are in good conditions (no unsupported actions/imports done in the past), you can use the migration tool.
However, if the settings from the NSA3600 went through firmware downgrade, unsupported settings import or they've been created many years ago accumulating many unneeded settings and you'd like to start from a clean config, then the best option is to manually re-configure and following the KB provided above will help in doing this.
Hi Team,
If this helps clarify my situtation.
And thanks for the advice thus far as I
did try out what you guys suggested.
At this point the menus between both
devices to not match and as a newb to SonicWalls
I am lost how I can do a manual migration.
Orignally the Chart for the Migration Wizard
said both devices were compatible, but ended up
@Arkwright I followed the steps on his link which
did change the TZ570 menu, but I need them to match
on some level of possible.
If you could point me in the direction of using
CLI to do this mirgration I would be grateful for that.
? Is there an earlier FM for the TZ that I could
match with the newer ver of the NSA?
Present status:
NSA 3600 FM
TZ 570 FM 7.0.1-5111-R4251
I have screen shots I'll try to include.
Thanks again for everyone's input.
Migration from NSA-3600 to TZ-X70 firewalls is not supported.
Use the Classic View on the NSA3600 and use UI6 option on the TZ570 firewalls. The menu options and UI layouts will be very similar.
You need to click the three horizontal lines at the bottom left to make them as similar as possible.
Given what you've said so far, I think explaining how to use the CLI to export and import configuration is beyond the scope of a forum thread.