HA Issue with NSa 4700s and 3700s

We've got two locations one with a pair of 4700s and one with a pair of 3700s. At both locations the configurations for Primary and Secondary seem to be out of synch. On the 4700s if you go to Rules and Policies - Access Rules - All Zones -> All Zones the primary has 2942 rules and the secondary has 2946 rules. On the 3700s we've got 684 rules on the primary and 680 on the secondary.
This situation really creates issues if the Sonicwalls do an HA rollover for some reason.
Is there a procedure for getting these units back in synch?
Category: Network Security Manager
Under Device \ High Availability \ Advanced there is a 'Synchronize Settings' button.
Been there tried that unfortunately.
Open a ticket with support.