Blank Page Sometimes After Logging In MS Edge

Hello All.
This is on a local TZ370.
Sometimes when I log in using MS Edge, I will get a blank page. If I hit refresh it takes me back to the login page. If I log in again and get the blank page again, I will delete the trailing / and it will show me pages I've been to and they come up.
I don't have this issue with Firefox. I prefer Edge.
So if anyone has any thing for me to check with Edge, I'd appreciate the help.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Are you talking about the management interface or are you logging in due to content filter / other policies?
Yes the management interface.
Are you running the latest firmware?
Yes. I downloaded it every time I get an e-mail that informs me.
Everything is up to date on my PC too.
Have you tried resetting Edge settings to default via edge://settings/reset ?
We are having the same issue with our NSA 3700
Yes I did and it still happens.
This happens regularly on Edge and Chrome, if you refresh the page it will make you log in again and is usually ok at this point. This has been an ongoing issue for years, even with the old management interface.
Sorry. I forgot this thread until @crenegar just posted.
I've switched to Firefox because it does not have the Edge problem...
I have had this issue with Chrome since I deployed my first V7 Firewall. It happens consistently on all versions. I have been hoping that the issue would be addressed by FW update but so far it has not. The resulting URL after logging in is
I have been working around this by just appending the "m" after the "/7/" in the URL. Annoying yes... but better than having to use Firefox just to connect to the firewalls.
I will add that more recently I have also been seeing the pages displayed as mostly text and not linkable - I have to refresh the page several times before it displays correctly. that is if it does not revert back to a log in prompt which it does sometimes. I only have TZ devices deployed with V7 all of my NSA devices are still older V6.
Also having this issue....
Been having same issue with nsa2700 on Chrome and Edge with firmware: 7.0.1-5145.
Happening on multiple computers even after reset the browsers.
Firefox seems to be the only browser not affected......
Very annoying.