Connect to Sonicwall through another vpn

in VPN Client
In our company Sonicwall mobile connect is limited to Germany. I need to travel to my country and visit my family and work remotely for a short time but it's not possible to access resources there.
I need to find a solution to connect to another VPN (so first I have to change my ip to Germany) then I can connect to sonicwall and eventually access the resources. I already tried v2rey but no chance.
Any idea how I can achieve this?
Category: VPN Client
I am not certain if this is the optimal solution, but I would like to share my initial thoughts on this.
Would like to ask the forum for their thoughts around this. Thanks all.
There are plenty of ways to get around geo-blocks. Mustafaa's solution seems a bit high level.
Do you have a Windows PC at your home you can install GoToMyPC on? Is your company willing to install NetExtender (Mobile connect is no longer supported on Windows) on your home PC?
You'd in theory be able to use GoToMyPC to connect to your home PC, then use NetExtender on your home PC to connect to your office.