How to link Separate networks

I have 2 separate networks.
NETWORK 1: The Verizon network is connected to Nsa5600 SonicWall, core switch and access switches which host all the servers and some clients.
NETWORK 2: ATT which is connected to a separate NSa5600 SonicWall, core switch, access switch with some clients.
How do I connect these 2 Sonicwalls together so that clients on network 2 can access servers on network 1.
Best Answer
BWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
@janvic123 hopefully I'am getting it right. NETWORK 1 will lose it's WAN provided by Verizon later on but the two NSA 5600 remains as it is and WAN is provided by NSA 5600 at NETWORK 2 only?
Or do you plan to consolidate to a single NSA 5600? If you wanna do this you cannot have both appliances providing the same networks, maybe HA would be a better option if one NSA 5600 is performing good enough for your use case.
This can be a lengthy discussion, because you need to do some planning where VPNs are terminating, how public IPs getting translated, etc. This might be something to extensive for a forum thread, but if you provide some more information I give you my thoughts on.
- both NSA 5600 will be used, no further network changes except removal of WAN on NETWORK 1?
- does NETWORK 1 needs to be accessible from the WAN (VPN, NAT to internal resource, ...)? If there is only outbound traffic a simple transfer network will do, otherwise it's getting more complicated.
- how many IP addresses are terminating on the Verizon WAN and how much will be destined to NETWORK 1?
@janvic123 are both NSA5600 close by or on seperate locations, could they be connected via Ethernet or do they have to be connected via WAN?
If there are close to each other you could use a network interface on each Appliance to span a transfer network between both and route your traffic accordingly. By creating a seperate Zone you can set the Access Rules as you wish.
If they are only connected via WAN, VPN is the way to go.
They are both close by in the same room. The goal is to cut off Verizon and move to ATT later in the year but for now we need both of them to function. I also want the internal IPs to mirror each other so when we cut over, I don't have to re IP anything. I am not very familiar with sonicwall please I would appreciate a more detailed way of doing this. Thank you.
They are both close by in the same room. The goal is to cut off Verizon and move to ATT later in the year but for now we need both of them to function. I also want the internal IPs to mirror each other so when we cut over, I don't have to re IP anything. I am not very familiar with sonicwall please I would appreciate a more detailed way of doing this. Thank you.