Multiple sites reporting issues with Licensing Server

Failed to synchronize license information with Licensing Server
This message appears on multiple sites. doesn't show any issues.
Can anyone from SW - @Ena - find out if this is real or imagined?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
@Larry Gen6 seems to be able to sync the Licenses, but Gen7 fails with "Failed to synchronize license information with Licensing Server. 1007".
Loading the License Pages is noticeably slow.
Hey @Larry
Tested with my Gen6 device - no issues syncing licenses or any log entries for this.
Checked with my Gen7 unit - Can confirm with @BWC - I am able to sync the licenses sucessfully but I am seeing the "Failed to synchronize license information with Licensing Server. 1007" message in the logs.
Do you have a case # I can follow up on?
Thank you,
@TonyA - I have this occurring on both Gen 6.5 and Gen 7 devices. And no, I don't have a case number. Seriously?
I'm going to call in (wasting about 30 minutes) so a CSR can remote in and take a set of logs and files? No thank you. I'll save that misery for something truly broken.
Shouldn't SonicWall's own telemetry indicate what the problem is?
Hi @Larry
Apologies for the inconvenience - I understand your concern. I wanted to see if this was already reported to our support teams. I will investigate on my side and work with the internal teams and get back to you with an update.
Thank you,
Hi @Larry
I worked with our internal teams on this - on my side the issue is not longer present. Can you check on your end and confirm?
I looked earlier today, couldn't see anything on the Gen 6.5 devices, but it was present on the Gen 7 devices.
@Larry unfortunately we are not seeing this issue any longer on our environment nor other reports from customers.
We will continue to monitor the backend for any synchronization issue however to speed up the process and get additional information, I would advise to reach out to our Tech Support who can troubleshoot this.