need help Setting up a Sonicwall TZ350 Win front of a Xfinity cable modem

I have been giving a static IP address by comcast. I am not sure how to go about this . I would like to use the wireless on the firewall as well as being hard wired. Also would like to use the dhcp server on firewall. I am assuming that I need to disable the dhcp on modem and put it in bridge mode . On the firewall side is where I get confused.. Here are my thoughts
setup x1 WAN interface as a static address firewall put the IP address and gateway that was supplied. And sub mask.
enable the DHCP server on firewall (what would the default gateway be here? firewall address or the modem static ip address)
enable wireless access point
am I missing anything
Thanks for help
Here are two useful guides:
If you have a static IP from your ISP there is probably no need for "bridge" mode - but you should confirm with them.
Hope that helps
Hello Steve.
SonicWall firewalls have a Load Balance (LB) feature that can be used to control traffic between WAN interfaces.
There are some LB types:
DHCP internal users are not aware of what WAN interface is being assigned to their traffic. So, you'll have to use SonicWall's interface specific IP address as their default gateway.
Even if you chose one of these LB types, you can use routing rules to prioritize traffic from specific sources, such as Wireless Users.
Hope I have helped.
Best regards!