Track Time Spent on VPN remote session

Can we configure a report that will tell us how much ‘time’ is spent VPN remoting in by user . For example, it’d be nice to be able to see if ‘John’ remoted in to work on ‘Tuesday’ and did he remote in the full day, or for only an hour in the morning? We are not looking to monitor day to day, but once in awhile to be able to do a quick check on selected users.
Category: MySonicWall
Such a report would require the use of our GMS or On-Prem Syslog Analytics products. Here is an article that goes over creating such a report.
Thanks. Would this do the trick?
SonicWall Comprehensive GMS Support - 24x7 - 1 Node - 1 Year - 01-SSC-7679
If not what would be the product I would need? Thanks in advance for staying with this.
I'm not familiar with all the SKU's so a sales rep would be best for that. It appears that is most likely the SKU for the GMS Tech Support License.
GMS would be best for monitoring many firewalls. If it's just one or a few firewall you are trying to monitor, you may want to consider just getting the Syslog Analytics License for this, then install as shown in the article below.
Syslog analytics has a license option on each firewall as shown in the article below.
I hope this helps.
Thanks. I will take your advice and order a single Syslog Analytics.