Another example of the shoddy Dev and QA for SonicOS 7 (small rant)

I am in the midst of configuring a Guest Wi-Fi zone for a client on a new Gen 7 TZ appliance. I enabled the option for "Enable Policy Page without authentication."
I clicked on the Configure button and wanted to see a preview of the "canned" text that SonicWall supplies.
Here is a screenshot of the resulting text:
How - for the love of Mike - could anyone have messed up the properly capitalized and punctuated text from the SonicOS 6.5 version?!?!
Correcting this nonsense is going to require an RFE through Support. And who knows how long that is going to take before a firmware update corrects it? Unfortunately, my client's end users are going to see this and wonder. After all, they are paying thousands for a firewall, and this gibberish is worse than some teenager's Tweet.
I am angry and I am horrified.
How much worse does this have to get?
Best Answer
TonyA SonicWall Employee
Hi Larry,
Thank you for bringing this up.
I have created a ticket with the dev team to get this adjusted and have the correct grammar and punctuation.
For your reference the Dev ticket ID is GEN7-37784
Thank you
@TonyA Thank you, because the email response from my Inside CAM the day after I posted was: "I’m checking on this, will give you an update ASAP."
Of course, there was no further update...
Anytime @Larry ,
Could you PM/DM me the CAM's name? I'll get them to reach out.