Installing NSv on Azure

Its been a while Sonicwall started supporting Virtual firewall on Public cloud. The following article provides the information about how the Virtual firewall can be installed on Azure.
NOTE: The maximum number of NICs supported by SonicWall NSv is always eight for all models. But the total number of interfaces in an NSv instance maybe constrained by the Azure VM.
VM Size in Azure NSv Model
Standard_D2_v2 NSv 10
Standard_D2_v2 NSv 25
Standard_D2_v2 NSv 50
Standard_D2_v2 NSv 100
Standard_D2_v2 NSv 200
Standard_D3_v2 NSv 400
Standard_D4_v2 NSv 800
Standard_D5_v2 NSv 1600
Hope this helps!!
Thanks & Regards,
Category: Virtual Firewall
Good one! 👍️ @Poorni_5
Attaching the entire Getting started guide as well for reference.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Detailed information @shiprasahu93 and @Poorni_5 !!
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services