On Prem Analytics 2.5 Will Not Update

I am running on prem analytics version 2.5 (Build: 2519.2000). I follow the directions posted on the sonicwall knowledgebase to update and after selecting the .swi patch file it gives me the notice that it will apply the patch and I click OK and then it just sits there and never completes the update. I've tried rebooting the server and even using a different browser to upload and still get the same results. In the past I've had to completely build a new VM with the latest complete version as I've never been able to get the Upgrade feature to work. What am I missing?
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
You can try to access the Analytics using Safe Mode:
https://www.sonicwall.com/techdocs/pdf/on-premises-analytics-hyper-v-deployment-guide.pdf (page 60-66)
From here you can try to upgrade the Analytics server:
If you want to upgrade to version, you can follow the KB article attached below: