Netextender installs to large number of clients

I want to start having my users use Netextender as opposed to the GVC. Now, in the past, when installing the GVC, I had a profile (.rcf) file that I simply imported, then added their credentials under properties. I know about the registry method to put a profile in, but that only seems to be available once a user has connected to the VPN successfully. Obviously the .reg file is a pretty poor way to do things anyway. I tried saving a profile as a shortcut but double clicking that only brings up notepad with nothing in it. In fact, the file has no extension or content.
So how can I have a user download and install Netextender, then import the information for server and domain to get it installed as they could in GVC? These are very non technical users
Here are couple of articles that talk about SonicWall NetrExtender Silent installation:
) Login to CLI as admin and change the directory to the folder where you have the installation file.
2) Type the file name inside " " followed by /Q /S then press enter.
>>> For Example, if the file name is "NXSetupU-x64-10.2.325.exe" which is in your desktop.
-> Change directory to desktop and type "NXSetupU-x64-10.2.325.exe" /Q /S then press enter