How to use a separate IP for the WLAN and for the LAN traffic going/coming to/from the WAN ?

IP addresses below are not real. The Firewall is a TZ 500 wireless-AC running 6.5.
I have a /29 subnet (5 ip + gateway available) provided by my ISP
- I use one ip, 138, for the X1 (WAN) interface
- all NAT and Access rules make access to/from the internet work fine from the X0 (LAN) interface
- I also have internet access from the WLAN interface with the public address being 138 (the WAN interface)
I'd like to use another IP address for the WLAN interface, say 140.
Tried a few things but nothing worked so far ....
Any hint appreciated.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Create a NAT policy that matches the above conditions and make sure it's ABOVE the default NAT rule otherwise it won't take effect. Observe the hit counter on it when you're testing.