how to allow traffic between parent interface and sub-interface

Hi team
I have a firewall install behind the cisco where W1 is connected to cisco and W0 is connected to my manageable switch with . I have configured the Valn under the sub interface of X0 "vlan10" which is
I am not able to ping, access host running on 0.1 subnet
how i can allow traffic between virtual and parent interface
Moreover, my vlan is working, i ma able to get the vlan subnet but am nit able to reach to X0 interface
I also have define the access rules from LAN to Vlan and Vlan to LAN but it seems to be not working.
any help will be appreciated
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Hi Manish,
By W1 and W0 you mean X1 and X0?
If you want to manage the Sonicwall from the Vlan10 you have to enable the HTTPS-Management on the X0:V10 Interface.
Is internet working for the devices on LAN and VLAN?
Can you post some screenshots of your Firewall Rules and Configuration to better understand your situation?
HI thanks fro reply
it is resolved