SOHO 250 administration questions

Sonicwall SOHO 250:
1) Where is the manual on line for this?
2) How do I print out the arp cache table (or view it)?
3) How do I print out the DHCP Server reservation table (or view it)?
4) How do I print out a configuration report?
5) Is there a read only account that I can see but not change anything?
6) does this firewall give the option of isolating segments from one another?
Many thanks,
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
There is no "hardware" manual for the Soho 250 device.
SonicWall manuals are based on the software version running on the device. For your device, the most likely version is 6.5.
You can find all SonicWall documentation here:
Suggest you select Firewall in the first block on the left-hand side and Administration Guide in the second, followed by 6.5 in the third.
Hi Larry,
Thank you for answering question 1!
Anyone have answer to questions 2-6?