Help with comunication in IPSEC VPN

Hi everyone, thanks for your help in advance. First of all i must to say i'm really newbie working with SonicWall.
At this moment i'm trying to comunicate 2 sites with VPN IPSEC beetween Fortigate <--> SonicWall working OK right now.
But i'm being mad because i dont know where i have my fault.
To get in situation:
I have the following addressing:
FGT Network:
SW Network:
With the tunnel VPN Working, i have ping beetween: FGT network --> SW network. But not the other way arround.
Now i need to comunicate from SW network --> FGT network.
I fact i made the policy rules and the routes but not working by far.
Any idea?
Capture packets on both sides of the VPN tunnel and see where the communication drops.