Using Outlook for iOS-App af SMA500v

Hello there,
is anyone able to use ActiveSync with the Outlook for iOS-App on a Portal with SMA500v?
We are having about 50-60 customers using ActiveSync via SMA-Portal including OWA, Outlook Anywhere and Autodiscover. ActiveSync with other Apps is working, only configuring Outlook for iOS/Android fails.
Thank you.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
are the mobile device portal and pc portal same?
No, no EPC Profiles are used
Yes same portal. ActiveSync with other Apps is working fine. Only Outlook-App is making troubles
We are encountering the same issue with the outlook mobile app. All other mail apps work fine, Outlook Mobile will not connect.
Did anyone figure out a solution to this issue?
Please check the logs on the SMA and filter offloading page with mobile device ip addresses. if you did configuration correctly you will see error on the logs. I think mobile device couldn't resolve the offloading activesync addresses.
follow the below instractions.