Restore config from older model, OS to new model OS

Failing TZ205 w/4 site-to-site VPN; can I restore a backup from the TZ205 (SonicOS Enhanced 5.9.17-2o) to new TZ270 (SonicOS 7.x.x.x?)
Additionally, will a SONICPOINT-Ni work with the TZ270, or will it need to be replaced (due to urgency of replacement and availability of equipment, was not able to acquire TZ270W)
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
@ClydeP there is an official Migration Tool available, provided by SonicWall, you can find it over there:
But to be honest, the results using this tool are a mixed bag of good and evil, I strongly advice to NOT use it and don't use it myself. But it may be an option if you're in a hurry. Be prepared for oddities later on.
About the SonicPoint-Ni, I guess you need to unbind the unit from TZ TZ205 on MySonicWall and bind it to the TZ270, it's EoL anyways, but should work. It's still listed in the current SonicOS on Gen7.
The Migration tool :-
Use the latest release v7.0.1-5 when migrating from Gen6
Gen5 migration is not supported
so unfortunately not.
If possible take out the ipsec config, unmask the PSK and setup the same as the 205.
On a version 7.0.1-5051-R2624
we have the following wireless firmware
Hope this helps
@MarkD thanks for the detail, I totally faded out Gen5 already.
I was able to upload a Gen5 configuration to the Migration Tool, but the result looked a bit weird, maybe it was NSA 3500 specific, The interface mapping and IP addresses showed were totally off.