TZ 570 and SonicOS 7.0.1-5065 (problem)

I've tried to update my TZ570 from SonicOS 7.0.1-5052 to SonicOS 7.0.1-5065,
After to finish the update pass 10 minutes and the FW reboot without notice and without trace into the log was happend and so on... (10 or 12 minutes and reboot) Back to the SonicOS 7.0.1-5052 no problems all works fine...
Anybody have this problem?
Thx in advance
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hello Morice, I've updated same firewall without any problem.
Do you check the md5 hash of the dowloaded file to verify its consistency? Have you tried to login from the WAN side of the firewall and do the upgrade procedure from there? Have such firewall NSM Management enabled? If so you could upgrade firmware also from there, Regards.
The firewall is under NSM Management, and the upgrade was performed from there...
You failed to say that the firewall was not upgrading through NSM in your original post. Is your NSM license still valid?
As Enzino mentioned, try a local upgrade.
After the last tentative yesterday to upgrade the firmware (from NSM and the licence is valid) all seems to bee good... I don't what is changed, because I never done anything on TZ570... and I've done the same things as previous tentatives...
Now I'm happy... thanks for the support...