TZ350 Active Standby - Black screen

We have an Active / Standby configuration. I login to the active and it will not show any objects. IE Address objects, rules etc. If I login to standby it will show the objects, but of course you can not edit. I am new to Sonicwall and have not found a reference to this anywhere.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
could you share "monitoring settings" under the H/A menu?
and did you clear browser cache?
Yes, and tried 3 different browsers.
please could you share all the cluster settings screen shot?
Let me see if it will even show them to me
you can get from secondary firwall.
And also, it exhibited this behavior about a week ago. Same issue. Then a few days ago I logged in to check on something else and it was completely fine. And now the same issue has returned . All without any changes.
can you force syncronize configuration under the HA menu.
I can, but upon reading up on sync. It says it only syncs from primary to secondary.
can you access via ssh? or console port?
Yes, ssh works
pls try below commands.
1) check cluster status on primary
2) enter high-availability command during config mode. and synchronize settings.
3) synchronize firmware on the config mode
referance doc:
pages: 1070-1071
which firmware version are you using?
SonicOS Enhanced
When I attempted to ssh into the unit yesterday, it initially connected and then killed my connection pretty quickly and then the units failed over and caused some disruption.
I have worked with other other FW's Palo, ASA's but this is my first exposure to the Sonics. So treading lightly
did you check ip conflict Primary sonicwall ip and cluster vip ip?
Can you make sure the HA cables are connected properly. If there any loose contact the unit will not work properly.
There are no IP conflicts. I was able to access via Edge yesterday and again a second time and this morning. So this "seems" like a browser issue. But a second admin tried multiple browsers the other day with same issue. I will have to keep testing. The units seem to be pretty finicky and the SSH issue is another head scratcher.