NetExtender 10.2.324 (Windows) slower until ready (NxConnect.bat)
yesterday I upgraded a bunch of SMA500v from to and with that release an update for NetExtender came along, specifically version 10.2.324 for Windows.
A customer reported today that since updating to the new NXT the NxConnect.bat isn't working properly anymore and the "net use" commands which are needed to be executed aren't connecting to the shares.
After a few tests I figured out that it takes around 2 seconds after NxConnect.bat gets started until the network connection is working properly. This can be easily tested by sending a ping in the script to an internal network resource. The first two pings are failing and the next two are getting through. It seems the setup time in the latest NetExtender takes longer than before.
We'll either add a timeout or a ping to at the top of the NxConnect.bat to overcome this delay, both methods worked for us if anyone else having this kind of problem.
Just my € .02 if anyone falls into this as well.