GVC installCleaner.bat script for all users on the system?

in VPN Client
Hi there,
if we rollout the installCleaner.bat script via software deployment will it only delete the files under the deployment user/service or will it delete all RarSFX*.* files on the system?
I ask because I would guess its just deleten the file/files under the execution users context.
Category: VPN Client
Hello @Chojin,
If you open the .bat file you can see it deletes the folder and its content using this path %tmp%\RarSFX*.*
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
Which does NOT do what the OP asked. Further, you can't use a wildcard with the RD command. So the batch file (If tested?) is useless.
OP - you need to wrap the delete and RD commands in a for loop against c:\users. For example -
for /d %d in (%systemdrive%\users\*) do rd /s /q "%d\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX"
What I don't know is, since Sonicwall's batch file is referencing RarSFX*, is RarSFX the actual directory? Or is it truly just a prefix? Because RarSSFX* doesn't work using RD. But if the directory is not exactly RarSFX, we're equally screwed.
Going to have to wrap more like -
for /d %d in (%systemdrive%\users\*\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX*) do rd /s /q "%d"
But the * mid-path won't work I believe. I'll probably just nail this down with Powershell when I get a minute.
Absolutely test first with an echo command after the do!!