Security Notice: SonicWall Global VPN Client DLL Search Order Hijacking via Application Installer

in VPN Client
Security Notice just came out. Finished confirming all VPN clients are up to date.
The notice (linked below), if you scroll down to Resolution, says, "Download the script available in the MySonicWall portal under the download section for Global VPN Client and double click on the script file, which will safely remove the affected folders from the respective Windows clients." Can someone help me locate where this script file is, I'm not finding it in the portal or the download page.
Security Notice: SonicWall Global VPN Client DLL Search Order Hijacking via Application Installer
Category: VPN Client
hi its located here:
thank you!!! easy enough.
Sincerely appreciate it.
Ah, but THEN, you have to figure out what version you have distributed to your users without calling or emailing them with instructions on how to find the version number. Easy, I thought, I would just look at the setup file name(s) in my GVC folder.
How about "184-010739-00_REV_A_GVCSetup64.exe"? Well, it has SOME of the digits of a version number, but doesn't quite match up. Fortunately, I had my own remote support laptop with me that had the latest of the versions I have sent out and could look at it. Fortunately, it fell just before the impacted versions, so we're okay for now. It works. Not changing it until it doesn't.
Backstory - we installed GVC access in a mad rush as a result of the impending pandemic shutdown in 2020. After spending 2 hours on the phone with the first employee trying to talk them through installing the GVC, the access key file and the VNC client, I decided to have everyone who needed access just bring their laptops/desktops in to work and I would install it for them. Don't really want to go through that again unless I really have to. (Yes, we have people who, when asked to open File Explorer, tell you that they use Chrome instead.)
I digress - perhaps naming the install files with the actual version number would be a good idea?