Oh how I love the new SonicOS.....anyone have this problem?

Looks like my imported App Signature settings are broken ( Yes, I used the migration tool. Yes, I moved from a very current firmware version on my prior-gen Sonicwall ).
For the imported settings for which I had block exclusions set, I cannot set ANY field without getting this error.
If I open the settings up and try to change nothing and just hit save, then this error stops me.
If I open the settings up and try changing EVERY SINGLE field so that there shouldn't be a null, this error still appears.
Please tell me there is something I can do short of blowing all my settings out and starting from zero....sigh.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
There is nothing you can do to sort this out. Support will likely tell you to rebuild from scratch.
@BartMan please get this documented with a Support Case. This is a pretty egregious coding failure and someone, somewhere in the organization needs to be made aware of its existence.
Sadly, you know where this is going, and unfortunately you're going to have to deal with Support before you blow it away and start over.
Sigh. I know you gents are almost certainly correct.
I did....I have.....and I'll brace for the inevitable.
Thanks for the sanity check....