Tech Tips: Multiple Administrators Support on SonicOS 6.5

Hello Everyone,
There are instances where the UTM might be managed by multiple administrators and you would like to specifically assign the right privileges to the individual administrator account. We have SonicWall Administrators, Limited Administrators, Read-Only Administrators and Guest Administrators available from a long time. The KB below explains how SonicWall handles multiple administrators concurrently, what are the different administration modes and priority levels we assign to each role.
On SonicOS 6.5, we have introduced three new administrative roles: System Administrator, Cryptographic Administrator and Audit Administrator. For more details on all the administrative roles and how to configure them, please refer the KB below:
Thanks and stay safe!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Good Article!!
We started supporting these three new administrative roles(System Administrator, Cryptographic Administrator and Audit Administrator) from 6.2 onward.
6.2 admin guide has the basic info of these administrators.
Thanks & Regards,
Hey @Poorni_5 ,
I checked on a TZ 500W with firmware and I do see those options available. Thanks for pointing that out.
The source from where I got this info was wrong. I will check with the right person to fix that.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
this feature seems to have carried over to Sonic OS7. do you know if there are any plans to further enhance the usefulness of this?
for instance, i would love to be able to give a user read-only permissions to the entire sonicwall but also give them crypto admin access so they can administer their own vpns. this seems to be a very common thing for hospital IT staff that are used to managing their own firewalls.. so.. when we take over w/ a managed contract, this seems to be a point of contention.
alternatively, the ability to create a "custom admin" .. and define which sections of the firewall a user has "read-only" access to and which sections a user has "write" access to.. would be massively helpful. do you know if there's anything in the roadmap for sonic OS for these feature enhancements?
Hi @Manderson,
Thanks so much for your feedback.
We love to hear about feature enhancements and really value your insights. The community roadmap definitely includes Product Ideas, so we plan on having a formal process for such instances in the future.