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NetExtender.Linux-10.2.835 falsely reports itself as 32-bit binary depending on current directory

Iam_AdeveloperIam_Adeveloper Newbie ✭
edited April 2022 in VPN Client

Thanks for looking at this issue. The bash output below and title should be relatively self explanatory. Install script falsely reports itself as 32-bit binary if run from outside it’s containing directory. Changing the current working directory to the install script’s containing directory resolves the error, but the error should not report a false issue that implies the tarballs are mislabeled.

[ec2-user@ip ~]$ curl -sS "" -o "./NetExtender.Linux-10.2.835.x86_64.tgz"

[ec2-user@ip ~]$ tar -xf NetExtender.Linux-10.2.835.x86_64.tgz [ec2-user@ip ~]$ ls

netExtenderClient  NetExtender.Linux-10.2.835.x86_64.tgz  

[ec2-user@ip ~]$ sudo ./netExtenderClient/install 

--- SonicWall NetExtender 10.2.835 Installer ---

ERROR: This copy of NetExtender is intended for 32-bit systems.

     Please install a copy of the 64-bit version of NetExtender.

[ec2-user@ip ~]$ cd netExtenderClient/

[ec2-user@ip netExtenderClient]$ sudo ./install 

--- SonicWall NetExtender 10.2.835 Installer ---

Checking library dependencies...

Checking pppd...

Category: VPN Client
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