NSA 3500 - Export/Save Configuration Problem

We have a Sonicwall NSA 3500, equipped with an old firmware (SonicOS Enhanced
I would like to update it to version
(Latest version available for this product)
Before that, I want to save the configuration:
System --> Settings --> Export Settings --> Export
When I click on the "Export" button, I get the message:
"The Website cannot display the page", so I cannot export the configuration.
Still in Settings, if I click on "Create Backup"
I get the message "System Backup failed"
And I realized that if I restart the device, the configuration is lost and it returns to the previous state.
I know it's an old model of device....
Any help will be welcome.
@Kip_Cool just in case, because this Firmware is ancient, did you tried with an older browser or at least Firefox, which handles this kind of stuff better?
Last resort might be a backup via SSH, which IMHO can export to an FTP/SCP server.
Hello Michael,
Many Thanks, I was abble to export the configuration as a TXT file via SSH ton an FTP Server. Better than nothing !
Is it possible to convert this text file to an EXP file ?
Would there be a way (e.g. a log to display), to find the reason for the failure of exporting the configuration via the web interface, or the reason why it is not possible to do a firmware backup?
With best regards.
@Kip_Cool I don't have a Gen5 at my disposal anymore, but does it not support "export current-config exp"? On a Gen6 appliance I can specify to export as CLI or EXP via ssh.
Did you had a look into the file, was it a readable format or just a stream of base64 encoded characters, that would be probably the exp format then.