TZ 300 - Cannot login to Web UI - immediately get "Your login attempt has timed out"

Opening web management page flashes the login page, then immediately goes to
"Your login attempt has timed out. - Click here to try again."
I have attempted to login from the LAN as well as the WAN... I was able to get in once by using a saved username and password in the browser and pressing enter at the exact right time between fields being filled and it going to the login timed out.
- have tried with different browsers, different computers, from different neworks
- have tried in incognito mode/private browser windows (chrome, edge, firefox)
- the one time I was able to login, I upgraded the firmware to the latest as of today with the same result
- I am able to access from LAN via ssh
We have never modified any of the settings for Customize Login Pages or Login Authentication.
*** submitted a support case 2 days ago and have not received ANY response
Best Answer
patch1970 Newbie ✭
I found it...
login as: admin
admin@[sonicwall_ip]'s password:
Copyright (c) 2021 SonicWall, Inc.
Using username 'admin'.
admin@SONICWALL> config
config(SONICWALL)# user authentication
(config-user-auth)# auth-page-timeout 2
(config-user-auth)# commit
% Applying changes...
% Status returned processing command:
% Changes made.
could you try this article.
That doesn't work... I have tried that, among many other things. I was able to time it just right, using autologin with a username/password filler once... I changed the setting, and saved it... it worked fine until the sonicwall rebooted.
The setting that has to be changed is Users>Settings>Web Login: Show authentication page for (minutes): 0
I can't find a specific ssh command to change that field. I had this saved to 1 when I lucked up and got into the gui... but it keeps changing back to 0, preventing web login.
The ssh command to change this would be great!