Two Sonicwalls setup as HA into switch?

Hi everyone,
Question on how everyone here is setting up their two firewalls (both X1 ports) going into switch first then into their access switch?
Currently most of the setup (done before my time), is ISP - 8 port switch (two VLANS). Both X1 wan ports and link from ISP into one VLAN. Other VLAN is going into our access switches. Just wondering if there's a better way or if there is any security concerns doing it this way?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
it depends if your Modem Router has more than one Port, ideally you would plug both X1 Interfaces in to this,
if the modem/router hasn't got any spare ports you would need a 4 port un-mannaged switch ideally a separate one to the LAN Switch, if you have to use the main LAN switch they just need to be on a separate untagged VLAN ( not recommended though as you will have the clean side and dirty side on the same switch )
Yeah that's the problem. The modems we have from our ISP are basically residential modems that have been bridged and have a static IP. Ideally it would be nice to have 2 ports from the modem going into X1 of both SonicWall's