Analytics: Send alerts to email when a user tries to use certain Application

A customer interested in Analytics solution is asking if it is possible to send Alerts when a user tries to use certain application (for example Ultrasurf, or Bit Torrent). I can see it is possible but at level of Web browsing, not Applications:
Any idea if that feature exists or if it is in roadmap on a future release, or an alternative to send that alert ?
Thank you.
Category: Capture Security Center
Hi Yuber,
Currently there is no feature to send the alert for certain application from NSM in your case, neither from local firewall. I checked local firewall, for applications, we use App Control to allow/deny/verify. There is no feature to alert on it.
As a support engineer, I am not sure if this is a feature in a roadmap. The best resource would be Product Management team. You may want to ask your local reseller/partner to reach out PM team for the answer.
Any questions, please let me know.
Bernard Han
Tech Support Advisor, SonicWall