Determine OS Type for SSL-VPN Connections

Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Hey @Shawn_Jones ,
We are not recording the OS type of the client that is connecting using SSLVPN to the firewall.
I'm not sure if this is recorded on the dedicated SMA appliances. I can find out and update you.
Thanks!Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thanks. Support emailed me back just now too and basically said the same thing.
" Unfortunately, the firewall is not able to report the OS version when connecting to SSLVPN because it does not have the End Point Control capabilities. You can do this with an SMA device however, and can get some more info from sales on one of those devices. "
Unfortunately, this is only available on the SMA devices as of now. SSLVPN on the firewall is a very small portion of the Remote access capability that can be provided by the dedicated SMA appliance.
You can always raise an RFE (Request for feature enhancement) by consulting your Sales representative and based on the feedback and reports for something similar gathered from other customers, it can be added to the upcoming versions.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services