Sonicwall NSa 2650 - Bypass rule for certain devices
Newbie ✭
Hi All!
Thanks for reading!
We have implement SSO access so that only trusted users (ActiveDirectory Users). Is there any option to bypass this rule for a certain device class - like Apple iphones?
The intended use is to have iphone users connected to the network and allow internet access although they are not trusted users as defined.
Best regards,
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
@julian1 if it is possible to put all to be excluded devices in an IP range (via DHCP or statically) I would go for that and exclude the range. There is IMHO no automatic way to exclude certain devices at a whole.
best practice is divide network for all trusted users between untrusted users. There are a few type of automatic isolate each other.
1) Multiple SSID on WLAN.
2) 801.x on WLAN and switch
3) as @BWC said, DHCP but if you have a lots of untrusted users it will difficult.