NSM logging was filling up my syslog

Had a ticket open since December, they can't figure out why my syslog is filling up with interface statistics every second.
We had a trial with NSM cloud and I told them I think it started around that time. After 60 days the tech said his manager is forcing him to close the ticket and open a new one. They really are lost on this one. I've begged them to escalate from P3 but they won't do it.
Today while looking at some log settings I came across NSM settings and they were enabled for syslog with the exact name as seen in the syslog. But when I turn it off and apply the settings were immediately turned on again.
So I went digging to see how to disable NSM (Google is your friend) and there it was. Once that was disabled the options in the Log settings were also disabled. And the logging for interface stats to syslog finally stopped.
They really are clueless over there sometimes that 1) they didn't know to disable GSM/NSM and 2) they didn't find it when they went clicking through every syslog settings for two hours, twice, two different techs.
Device is TZ570
Best Answers
Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
The thing is, sometimes I becomeTHAT person when dealing with a CSR. Every once in a while (and you can go to the recordings), this other Larry comes out that is so vicious and insistent and LOUD about how support has to handle a case that it is scary.
Yes, they don't always know what's going on - especially with NSM. Sometimes they point to the hardware instead of the cloud. Sometimes they simply punt the case for weeks until you lose interest and it auto-closes.
Boundless, you betcha!
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Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
@LitBobOn nope, not gonna happen.
It took me quite a while before the project management team issued an email to engage with me about NSM. I had biweekly meetings with them during the summer of 2021. The basic problem is, the front-line folks don't really know what they need to provide to the back-end teams to qualify a problem. Honestly, I don't know what they need to build as a filter to say, "You know, this is an honest-to-goodness problem with NSM. We should send it to engineering." Because, naturally, I've been asked for EXP and TSR files. Fat lot of good that's gonna do for a cloud based product. But what do I (SonicWall partner for more than a decade) know, other than the marketing and SonicWall University fluff?
@Larry , I've yet to become that guy but I do think one day I may have to if it is an issue affecting production.
Frustrating to know there is someone there ready to help me who could fix issue in seconds if only they'd put them on the phone with me.
Maybe they need another level, like Dell Pro Support, when you call for a server/EMC issue you usually get a really good tech.