Sonicwall TZ500 Website Block

I have a client with a Sonicwall TZ500 and the license has now expired. They don't want to renew the license and just want to use it for basic website blocking. With a previous TZ300 i could manually block individual websites in the content filter page without a license. On the TZ500 (Firmware SonicOS Enhanced when i access the content filter page it does not allow me to do anything or to block individual websites. Is there a work around for this. Attached is what the content filter page looks like. I would really appreciate any help. Thank You
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
CFS required license on 6.5 firmware. It's different from 6.2.
hi @AllanMellett
You can block the websites through ACL. Follow the below steps;
First you have to create the address object for the website's which you need to block;
For creating address object, Navigate to Network-->AddressObject-->Add;
Then create a Address Object Group & add those created address objectes for the websites which you need to block.
Second Step: Create a ACL rule from LAN to WAN for blocking the websites, Navigate to Firewall -->Access Rule-->Add. For example follow the below screen shot.
Make sure the ACL action should be select to "Deny"
I hope the above steps will solve your issue.
one things is important.
If you have a lots of DNS query fqdn address objects will decrease firewall performance. When you create a FQDN object you should set maximum the "MANUELLY SET DNS ENTRIES TTL" . or creating manually FQDN object is problem for admin. You can create DYNAMIC ADDRESS OBJECT over FTP OR HTTP PROTOCOL and assign to blocked access rules.