Sonicwall firmware updates cause Citrix flashing flickering display, why??

We have many SonicWalls deployed...people access our Citrix servers over the VPN with Citrix login etc.
However, updating SonicWalls to more current versions of 6.5.x software always causes the Citrix desktop display to flash, flicker, etc. Very inconveniencing.
The only thing that changes is the Sonicwall firmware update, nothing else.
Has anyone seen this?? What causes this?? What is the remedy??
I tried asking Sonicwall support, responses were slow and unhelpful.
I don't even know what to analyze while inconveniencing people during attempts to solve this...
It's been easier to downgrade to known usable Sonicwall firmware versions, sigh...only or don't cause this problem regardless of device.
Happens with various kinds of Sonicwalls.
Thank you, Tom