Internet access with DPISSL not working - several customers.

This site can’t be reached
- Check if there is a typo in spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
the first call in new year mentinoned to hav no internetacces to wll known websites. Ichecke dsn resolution and other thing. all seems to be good. Got no information in the Firewall log. DPISSL Certificate is on the pc or servers. Distributed with CaptureClient. No browser is shonwing websites. Disabling DPISSL : access no ok.
Did anyone else see this ?
Best Answer
ThK Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
@BWC this time WebFiltering in CC is not responsible :-)
Heureka ! someone blocked "infrastructure - windows" in AppControl
in the end I was lucky to find this entry in the Log. Which pointed me to the issue.
wonder why a https side is first blocked by opening a http connection ...
and why do 3 different admin s change same things - no time to wonder....
have to fix MS Y2k22- bug
thank you for beeing here
@ThK is Capture Client is involved my best guess it's in there, probably this WebProtection desaster again. It was causing DNS trouble when installed on a Windows DNS server for example. YMMV.