Slow Internet Speeds over Site to Site VPN

in VPN Client
I setup a site to site VPN to route internet traffic from one location to another. I set it up following these steps
How can I configure Tunnel All Internet traffic over Site to Site VPN? | SonicWall
The tunnel comes up just fine, but for some reason the remote site only gets 10 Mbps internet speeds when the tunnel is active. When I disable it then the remote end gets 250 Mbps down
I have a Sonicwall TZ300 at the remote site, and a new TZ 270 at the Central Site. I want the TZ 300 to route its internet through the TZ 270
Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this extreme slowness?
Category: VPN Client
VPN tunnels require additional overhead so you'll never get full throughput of you rated speed. That being said, the 270 is a very weak unit (personally I'd say weaker than the 300) and may be part of the issue.
Are you running the latest firmwares? What encryption settings are you using? You haven't provided us much information.